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The Callous Daoboys Deliver A Diabolic Dissertation, Bring The Noise On Celebrity Therapist

With all the hype surrounding The Callous Daoboys lately there’s many a watchful eye (And ear!) tuned into their upcoming new record Celebrity Therapist. We admit we were pretty skeptical ourselves diving into the eight song effort after being intrigued when “A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops” but are here to tell you that Celebrity Therapist does, in fact, deliver on all fronts and truly lives up to the hype. It could even be said that the latest from The Callous Daoboys is all that. AND a bag of chips.

But I digress.

Are you already missing Every Time I Die? Still yearning for Greg Puciato and The Dillinger Escape Plan to have another go? Need Bring Me The Horizon to bring their manic Metal to the forefront on the regular? Well, have The Callous Daoboys got a record for you!

To start us off, “Violent Astrology” offers a visceral monstrosity that’s catastrophic, catatonic, and cacophonous all at once… then veers off into some David Bowie circa Blackstar kind of craziness. There’s so many parts of this whole that you’ll find yourself constantly checking your listening device to see if this is the same song/band. The aforementioned “A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops” is just some beautiful brutality that’s tuned into a fine frenzy which also allows for some shining string moments out of Amber Christman’s violin. Yep, you read that right: The Callous Daoboys also have a full-time violinist in their ranks. In love yet?

“Beautiful Dude Missile” is just a pummeler with a soft, chewy center as Sam Williamson pounds away on the drums and Carson Pace shows off an incredible vocal range before “Title Track” kind of slows it all down but only by a little. Still frenetic, still fierce… just slower and giving listeners a greater sense of the depth of songwriting that TCD bring to the big kids table on Celebrity Therapist with the frantic continually attempting to poke through this demented carnival that’s highlighted by some stellar vocal harmonies and Maddie Caffrey and Dan Hodsdon’s intricate guitar work.

“Field Sobriety Practice” builds from there with a soulful, quiet intro that adds to the expansive TCD sonic palette while “The Elephant Man In The Room” creates a quandary with a Metal dissertation on Noise/Thrash while also exploring the beauty in the way they perfectly balance the frenetic within this particular foundation. Finishing it all off with the Proggy punch of “What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?” (Complete with some sick bass licks from Jack Buckalew) and another bass heavy boomer in “Star Baby”, The Callous Daoboys leave listeners full with one of the most interesting releases of the year.

Celebrity Therapist drops on September 2nd through MNRK Heavy and Modern Static Records. You can pre-order yours now to stream or hold in your hands in a variety of formats by heading here. For the latest from The Callous Daoboys, follow them across ye olde social media pages by clicking here, here, or here.

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