Wow, what a breath of fresh air the newest single from Lowell’s Senseless Optimism is. But wait, what? ANOTHER artist out of Lowell filling up our headspace on RNRF?!?! Looks like it! And we’re all going to have to accept that Lowell is quickly turning into the next hot hub for some of Massachusetts’ best new emerging artists.
But I digress!
It’s Pop, but it’s not. It’s Folk, but it’s not. It’s iIndie… but it’s not. What “Done” is, though, is pretty spectacular all around especially when you add the Makossa and Soukous elements to the mix for one helluva stunning musical cocktail . Rich and robust and filled with layers that are continually revealed over repeated listens, “Done” is ready-made for your ears no matter the genre you dwell in.
Brittany Tsewole’s voice pierces the silence with a powerful presence that’s soulful and bluesy and all the things as the rest of the instrumentation from guitarist Mike Benjamin, bassist Max Churchill, drummer Kevin Donovan, and Matt Obadashian on keys gradually swells into an Indie Pop banger. Beyond the magical nature of the soundtrack that Brittany sings against is her vocal delivery which is another aspect that gets better with each listen, revealing nuances that endlessly enrich the whole listening experience of “Done”.
“Done” drops on October 7th and you can head here to download your copy when it releases or head here to pre-save on your favorite streaming service. For more from Senseless Optimism, follow Tsewole across the information superhighway by clicking here, here, or here.