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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Armed For Apocalypse Return With Palm Reader EP, First New Music In Five Years Ahead Of New Full-Length In 2019

Are you ready for a little slab of monolithic riffs to fill the void before Armed For Apocalypse drop a full-length banger on y’all? Can only FOUR tracks really be enough new songs to tide a fan over?? These answers and more as you dive into the latest RNRF review [...]

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The Clay People Return With Riveting Demon Hero (& other Extraordinary Phantasmagoric Anomalies & Fables)

Holy hell! When a band I’ve consistently liked over the years fades away then comes crashing back with, not only a solid record but, an album that easily makes it into our year end best list on the strength of their “comeback” then consider us one happy music fan. But [...]

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Welles Hits Cambridge This Weekend Supporting Dead Sara And New Record Red Trees and White Trashes

There’s something astoundingly familiar about Welles’ Red Trees and White Trashes. Like this delightful hybrid of Neutral Milk Hotel and Queens of the Stone Age, the kind of music found within is this truly great sonic journey that treks through Americana with a sort of fuzzed out folk complete with [...]

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The Black Queen Skillfully Synthesize Sexy And Solemn Sounds On Sophomore Opus Infinite Games

I’ve always thought that Greg Puciato had a beautiful voice. Yeah, I said it! While most gravitated towards his heavier works in Dillinger Escape Plan, I tended to latch onto the more melodic turns like “Black Bubblegum” or his more alternative turns in Killer Be Killed or Spylacopa. In other [...]

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T-Tops Do Old School Noise Rawk Right On Disease

Currently in alphabetical order in my Itunes library, the latest from T-Tops leads right into Tad’s Inhaler and the flow is pretty seamless because the kind of Post-punk, fuzzed out noise rawk with a raving madman at the mic that T-Tops currently create is just the kind of magic that [...]

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Steven Page Readies Rollicking Discipline: Heal Thyself, Pt. II For Release, Plans Extensive North American Tour

Who’da thunk that the guy responsible for sweet songs from Thomas and the Magic Railroad and The Big Bang Theory and lines like “Chickity China the Chinese chicken/You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin” that’ll forever be burned into the very being of every Gen X/Y something or [...]

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