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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Reckoner Channel Early Suicidal Tendencies, Converge, And Even Korn On Debut

It’s hard not to show pride when the Boston area keeps producing so many solid acts from a variety of genres. On the heavier spectrum, we’re looking at the debut from Reckoner who mesh Hardcore grooves and breakdowns with modern Metal to create the goods that’ll get you going.

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Electric Six Starts Your Halloween Off Early With The Ghoulish Rawk Of Bride Of The Devil

Electric Six is to THE RAWK what AC/DC is to the hard rock genre meaning when you dive into a new E6 outing, you definitely know what to expect. And like any AC/DC album worth its’ weight, that ain’t a bad thing by any means. But I digress

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Behemoth Rocks On Decidedly More Metal I Loved You at Your Darkest

It’s beautifully serene at times. Terrifyingly brutal at others. Add an ominous air overall and you have the recipe for the most exhilarating Behemoth record yet! I Loved You at Your Darkest is also Behemoth’s most diverse collection of songs and easily the most accessible slab of Black Metal for [...]

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Silvertomb debut “Insomnia”, Hit The Road With Life Of Agony

Without even hearing a note, the new project featuring former Type O Negative members Kenny Hickey and Johnny Kelly already had a spot on our “Most Anticipated Of 2018” list that we posted in January (Don’t believe us? Click here).

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Akula Has A Familiar Voice Yet Wholly Original Sound On Titanic Debut

Let’s peel back the curtain on the creative process a little with today’s review, shall we? Firstly, I don’t have the manpower or the time to review EVERYTHING that comes through the ole digital inbox so unless it’s something I’ve requested or an artist I’m already aware of, the selection [...]

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Chelsey and the Noise Bring Incomparable Electro Sounds On New EP Blank Frames

Avant Garde? Synthpop? Industrial? With a sound that combines the vocal flow of Lady Sovereign with the beats of Jimmy Urine, you already KNOW that Chelsey and the Noise is going to stand out as a musical entity so why does it need a label? We’re going with “Electro Hip-Hop” [...]

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