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Electric Six Starts Your Halloween Off Early With The Ghoulish Rawk Of Bride Of The Devil

Electric Six is to THE RAWK what AC/DC is to the hard rock genre meaning when you dive into a new E6 outing, you definitely know what to expect. And like any AC/DC album worth its’ weight, that ain’t a bad thing by any means.

But I digress

It’s hard to keep track of Electric Six sometimes simply because they’re so consistent. Take their latest album, Bride Of The Devil, for example as it’s their tenth album in as many years (And fourteenth overall). That’s a ton for a band who only came onto the scene in 2001.

“You ain’t seen nothing like it your life/It’s gonna cut you like a knife/Sell off the shares of your stock/Be careful when you come to see us ROCK/You’r gonna die from the SHOCK”

Dick Valentine does NOT mince words on the aptly titled “The Opener” which, ahem, opens Bride… complete with these bristling guitar lines that weave in and out bringing to mind echoes of Stevie Nicks’ “Stand Back”.

“Daddy’s Boy” settles into a solid groove, built from huge drum blasts and a flurry of Tait Nucleus?’s (Not a typo, there’s really a question mark in his name) keyboards. “(It Gets) (A Little) Jumpy”, meanwhile, sounds like a Dire Straits classic until Valentine’s unmistakable voice chimes in to bring the rawk and build another E6 anthem. Later on, “Safety Girl” is all jangly guitars, fuzzy bass tones from Rob Lower, and bluesy solos while “You’re Toast” has Johnny Na$hinal and Da Ve’s guitars providing a heavy backdrop for Valentine’s powerful bark.

And let’s not kid ourselves, Bride Of The Devil is totally a Halloween album through and through. From the Dawn of the Dead-inspired cover art through songs like the haunting “Hades Ladies”, the rollicking “Witches Burning” and the shredfest that is “Full Moon Over The Internet” (About reality-based trolls, not the make believe monstrous ones unfortunately).

Bride Of The Devil will be unleashed on October 5th through the same place that currently houses <PIG>, VNV Nation, and Mindless Self Indulgence because why not? That’s right, we’re talking about our favorite purveyors of Industrial: Metropolis Records! You can pre-order it now by clicking here or here. For the latest and greatest on E6, including dates for their latest tour which stops in Somerville at Thunder Road on October 1st, head on over here.

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