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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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(Hed) P.E. Survive The Nu-Metal Age, Persevere On Solid Stampede

There are bands out there today in 2019 that not only survived the Nu-Metal revolution but are still active and thriving. One such band is (Hed) P.E. who has constantly been contributing to the post-Nu Metal world with a consistent string of under the radar bangers. When Linkin Park was [...]

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He Is Legend Debut Legendary Long Player With White Bat

‘Here we are. This is the band in its purest form.’ We’re fucking back. We’re here. It’s time to rock.”-Shuylar Croom, He Is Legend vocalist on White Bat

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Pinkish Black Push Prog Boundaries With Synthetic Apocalyptical Sounds Of Concept Unification

Damn, this is some dense shit right here. Fresh off the Enthroned review we recently published comes a similarly despondent work of metallic art from a different spectrum of the music world. We’re of course, talking about Pinkish Black and their fourth opus, Concept Unification, which is an elaborate six [...]

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Singles! Misery Loves Co., “Way Back Home”

To preface this review, I just finished listening to the new Cave In record featuring the last performances of Caleb Scofield and purposely saved this new one from Misery Loves Co. as a point of emotional re-entry And I’m glad I did.

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Cave In Send Off Late Bassist With Possibly Their Absolute Best On Final Transmission

Oof, before even hearing a note I knew this one was going to be a tough listen and in that department, Cave In’s Final Transmission does not disappoint. It’s also this gorgeous album that’s such a fitting tribute to late bassist Caleb Scofield and a stellar entry into the band’s [...]

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Lard Help Us All! PIG Offers Up Some Sweet Treats On Candy Coated Covers Record

The Lord of Lard is an unstoppable machine lately. Whether it’s new <PIG> classics, remixes or covers, Raymond Watts is beyond reinvigorated during this second coming of the swine. Which brings us to the latest helping of pork in the form of Candy, an epic new album filled with covers [...]

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