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Death Kiss Showcase Volume 4: Birnam Wood

Birnam Wood! We’ve saved the best for last…or the last for last because, honestly, all the bands showcased at the Death Kiss show back in June were fucking tops!

But Birnam Wood! A band with a song called “Leno The Barbarian” that’s a sludgey masterpiece…and a vocalist that sounds like the titular barbarian (Of the Conan variety) is a band that definitely brings it. Whether they’re bringing the Sabbath-ian sized riffs or the Wretch-era Kyuss fuzz, these thunderous purveyors of desert doom have something for every fan of the all encompassing heavy genre.

Personally, the self-titled is my fave but the beauty of reviews and all that shit is that you can take what I have to say about all of this and form your own opinion! What?!?!?

But I digress.

BW’s most recent release, Triumph Of Death, slays with an even more focused intensity and hell, they even have a song named after their fucking band! Do you know who has songs like that? Cool bands, that’s who! It helps that the track is like this little cousin to “Black Sabbath”…shit, is it sacrilegious to proclaim a track better than “Black Sabbath”? Also an example of a band with a song that’s their name. Just sayin’.

You can also peruse the illustrious Warlord as well as found on their current bandcamp page alongside the banner that Wicked Worlds is coming as well. That’s right! In addition to all the cool, desert rawk sludge that you can obtain instantly today is the promise/threat of even more new music still to come.

Birnam Wood has some stuff out now! Which you can buy! By clicking here and here. For the latest on Birnam Wood, including those sacred live dates and info on the upcoming Wicked Worlds LP and more stuff, head on over here.

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