For those just tuning in, “Highwater Haulers is a New England rock and roll outfit starring Meaghan Casey on rhythm guitar and vocals, Taylor Brennan on electric guitar and vocals, Alfie Purcell on bass and Ryan Jackson on drums”. That’s according to their bio and, in all of our years [...]
There’s not enough great, wholesome new Desert Rawk these days so it gives us all the feels when a band materializes embodying that spirit… and on a debut no less! The band in question today is Denver’s own Hashtronaut who channel legends like Black Sabbath, mainstays like Fu Manchu, and [...]
Who’da thunk that in the year of our lord 2024 we’d be sitting here typing up what we think about a BRAND NEW Stompbox release??? By the time we had started our concert going lives back in ’94 (Yes, kids, we’ve been seeing shows for 30 years come this April!) [...]
It’s no secret that we’ve dug the hell out of what’s come from Wyn & The White Light thus far so it’s probably not a surprise that debut album Luck was pretty high up on our most anticipated list already. Well, it’s almost here for the rest of y’all but [...]
Sometimes we’re not able to get on board the hype train immediately when it leaves the station (Even if we have a ticket!) but also sometimes we’re able to catch the same train when it makes its’ return trip so in the case of The Shang Hi Los, we might’ve [...]
We’re not going to get into a whole BCB versus Dino thing here because, frankly, it’s been all over the place already so who needs a regurgitation of that drama, right? What we will say is that we’ve never not been excited when the former Fear Factory vocalist has put [...]