Replicant is back just in time to sonically save the world…or at least deliver a message that not only is resistance definitely NOT futile during these trying times but also encouraged!
We’ve definitely mentioned two things in these pages before: 1) Surprise new music is the best new music and B) Hot damn are we proud of the local scene in the Boston area! This post covers both of those things as local outfit forktie follows their debut single from earlier [...]
An album that’s built around a dream that High On Fire founder Matt Pike had about Lemmy? Sign. Us. Up. But seriously, kids, even without the legend worship, a new High On Fire record is always cause to celebrate. Especially as the band enter their twentieth year with an album [...]
It’s hard not to show pride when the Boston area keeps producing so many solid acts from a variety of genres. On the heavier spectrum, we’re looking at the debut from Reckoner who mesh Hardcore grooves and breakdowns with modern Metal to create the goods that’ll get you going.
Electric Six is to THE RAWK what AC/DC is to the hard rock genre meaning when you dive into a new E6 outing, you definitely know what to expect. And like any AC/DC album worth its’ weight, that ain’t a bad thing by any means. But I digress
It’s beautifully serene at times. Terrifyingly brutal at others. Add an ominous air overall and you have the recipe for the most exhilarating Behemoth record yet! I Loved You at Your Darkest is also Behemoth’s most diverse collection of songs and easily the most accessible slab of Black Metal for [...]