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Why Try? Enlighten And Entice On Exciting Just Fine EP

Why Try? make the kind of music that not only demands to be heard but also demands repeated listens. With each listen of their upcoming EP, Just Fine, layers are continually pulled back to reveal sounds that are more delicate and more delightful with these subtle intricacies becoming more pronounced upon each play through. Intrigued yet?

“Last Night” immediately captivates as it glistens, infused with groove-laden bass lines from Will Anderson until Richa Saran’s voice comes in and pretty much subverts the whole thing with a performance that’s so heavenly that it’s almost distracting from what else is happening in the tune. Almost. Because Why Try? is the sum of all its’ moving parts and as a unified front, they’re unstoppable.

But I digress.

“Making Trouble” is driven by Geoff Fischer’s primal drumming for a sonic tale that transcends thanks to the powerful poetry from Saran whose lines like “There is no peace between these legs no matter how much you beg” become more captivating when coupled with riotous wails and screams from Sean O’Brien and Andrew Barry’s guitars to match a powerful vocal performance.

“How It Goes” is an interesting little ditty that’s warm and fuzzy and quirky with Barry taking the reins vocally on a track that’s kind of like The Cars meets Telekinesis while later, “Just A Feeling” is just zen as it brings to mind the more intimate and quieter Pearl Jam tracks of the early ’90’s.

“Effortless” is urgent and resounding with a focus on the power of Saran’s voice to start with this resonating vibrato crushing as the bass from Anderson reverberates. Barry and O’Brien are on separate planes of existence with their unearthly performances here and when it all blends together it’s just bliss.

“To Be Loved” is simply magical and a fitting end to a transcendent release as it takes listeners on a spiritual journey that’s a mix of Undertow-era Tool (“Swamp Song”, especially) and The Doors’ more epic masterpieces (“The End”, “Riders On The Storm”) with Saran positing at the conclusion: “Do you like that I’m a little fucked up?”

Just Fine arrives on December 4th. You can get yours by heading here. For the latest on Why Try?, follow them across their socials by clicking here or here.

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