If you were ever curious, I listen to EVERYTHING that comes across my virtual desk. Doesn’t matter if it’s a genre I’m particularly invested in because in the interest of remaining objective to all, I say “What the hell!” and give it a shot. That said, I think I like Psychobilly??? I really dug the latest offering from BAT! last year and damn if the eighth record from Canadian trio The Brains doesn’t give me the feels as it delivers the solid goods. It also helps that both The Brains and BAT! share members.
But I digress!
Satana Tarantula is the name of the game and the name of the kick ass track that starts the whole shebang (After ominous instrumental “Vindicta” sets a haunting tone beforehand). If you’ve never heard The Brains and their brand of Psychobilly righteousness then this three minute stunner should be enough to hook you for life with Rene D La Muerte’s smooth vox and guitars perfectly paired with the rhythmic power of Gui Kitty’s drums and Colin the Dead’s upright bass bounce.
“Hell” is hella hyperactive and blends Surf Rawk and ’80’s Thrash especially when D La Muerte’s shredding guitar solo effectively channels Dick Dale and Dan Spitz. Horrorpops’ own Patricia Day, ahem, pops up to lend her pipes to “Hellhounds” (Sense a running theme at all?) with its’ Setzer-style riffage and ghostly vocal melodies in the background. Kitty’s drums lay down a march before going full frenzy on “El Mariachi D La Muerte” while later, “C’mon Let’s Do It All Night” is just a straight up Rockabilly banger.
Later still, “Swing It” shimmers and shimmies with another rhythmic blast from Kitty and Colin the Dead while “Lonely Wednesday” is a blistering penultimate romp that has D La Muerte’s vocal chops on full display and in a full on croon.
I audibly gasped when I realized closing track “Electric Avenue” was that “Electric Avenue”. And you will, too. In a good way. Unless you have no idea of the song and have to Google it first (Unless I already did it for you here). But yeah, Psychobilly + Eddy Grant= unexpected bliss.
Satana Tarantula releases on April 10th through Batcave Records with distribution handled by Cleopatra Records and is a click away if you pre-order your own copy now by heading here or here. For more from The Brains, including live performances at some future date, follow them on the interwebs here, here, or here.