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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Singles! Teen Idle, “Norway”

Follow-up’s can be a tricky thing. There’s a need to maintain a certain status quo so that any new fans you gained from the last release stay the course but also there’s a need to diversify and show range because who wants the same thing over and over, right? Sara [...]

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Singles! Ruby Grove, “Maybe It’s Time”

Picture this: You walk into The Bang Bang Bar and the vibe, as always, is just right. Before you head to your booth for some clandestine meeting or to do some shady dealings you become completely enthralled with the band that’s just taken the stage who have a sound that’s [...]

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Grub, Sweat And Beers 7 Preview: Day 2 (July 29th, O’Brien’s Pub)

Sure, your ears might still be ringing and your liver might be a little sore after Day 1 of this year’s GSB (Which we previewed here) but there’s no rest for the wicked and LOTS to get to when it comes to what’s going to happen on Day 2 of [...]

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Grub, Sweat And Beers 7 Preview: Day 1 (July 28th, O’Brien’s Pub)

The kick off night! The preview before the big day! The calm before the storm?? This year’s Grub, Sweat And Beers begins on Friday, July 28th and boasts a bevy of badass bands to get you pumped for the main event taking place most of Saturday the 29th. And we [...]

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Metal Return Of The Year? Motokops 2000 Surprise Drop New Record The Torment of Existence Weighed Against the Horror of Nonbeing

We’re proud to say that we were fans back in the day. Well, Mrs RNRF is more OG but still! We were there in the beginning! Even have a CD (Remember those???) of …Only Pieces Remain to show for it! And don’t even use it as a coaster! We jest [...]

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Singles! Eldridge Rodriguez, “A Feeling That Won’t Go Away”

Some times we get an abundance of stuff to review (Okay, all the time) and while it may take some time, if there’s a band that’s on our radar we’ll make sure we make the effort to review it regardless of if the fabled release date has passed. Boston/NYC hybrid [...]

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