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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Eldridge Rodriguez Show No Signs Of Atrophy On Lively Latest LP

While we haven’t had the opportunity to cover all the singles leading up to Boston/NYC hybrid outfit Eldridge Rodriguez’s latest LP, we’ve definitely covered a LOT. So diving into Atrophy is like a trip down memory lane to an extent with some of its’ 12 tracks appearing as far back [...]

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Baroness Begin Anew With Refreshing Rawk Opus STONE

Truth be told, we fell out of love with Baroness a little while back. No particular reason. No one did anything wrong. Our relationship had just run its’ course. Let’s just call it a “conscious uncoupling” and leave it at that, okay? Cut to last year while attending a Lamb [...]

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Danny Worsnop: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

Asking Alexandria is having a banner 2023 with album number eight not only out and in yer earholes currently but also embodying kind of everything that AA has been about up until now, their 17th year of existence. Add in a new tour to celebrate and support Where Do We [...]

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No More Blue Tomorrows Live Free And Rawk Hard On Debut Full-Length

Kind of grand all around, the debut full-length from Nashua, NH’s No More Blue Tomorrows has airs of early Front Bottoms and Guster with this kind of Weezer flair for writing catchy anthems and an all around earnest energy that easily reserves NMBT a seat at the big kids table.

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Singles! The Jacklights, “Final Girl”

More artists should deliver holiday-themed albums not centered on that husky guy in the red suit who sneaks into people’s houses towards the end of the year. And as a full-fledged fan of Spooky Season, we’re behind anything that brings attention to that better time of the year especially when [...]

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Electric Six Unleash Another Bombastic Beast On Magical Yet Mature Turquoise

We hate to label anything Electric Six does as “mature” but, um, Turquoise kinda is??? We’re sorry! But also not because regardless, it still sounds like Electric Six. And on this latest, their first in almost 5 years, the Detroit outfit deliver an energetic, eclectic, and electrifying new album that [...]

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