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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Singles! DNA’s Evolution, “‘Til I Break It”

Duos! it’s what’s for dinner?!?! No? Just seems like we have more than one duo to cover today is all. But anyway! DNA’s Evolution is your new favorite Taunton-based band with a sound that’s like that Josh Homme meets Death From Above 1979 connection with an Indie aesthetic. You just [...]

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Singles! Premiere! Tysk Tysk Task, “Trazodone”

There’s a few artists we’ve come across over the years that, when the announcement of new music of any sort arrives, we automatically start a draft or add the album or tune to a usually already in progress year end list because what they’ve created thus far is just that [...]

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Video Premiere! The Shallows, “Channels”

We can’t really say enough about the mesmerizing sounds that The Shallows conjure throughout their debut record Wave State. On both a local and national level, The Shallows create music that’s tantamount to a certain era but still stands out as timeless. And on an album of highlights, the debut [...]

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24 For ’24: The Exhaustive RNRF Guide To The Rekkids And Artists You Should Be Checking Out In The New Year

Surprisingly enough, finding 24 albums incoming for 2024 was pretty easy. Maybe it’s that backlog of creativity that’s still pouring out following a global pandemic or maybe it’s just timing but whatever the case may be, we like it. A lot! Especially with a bevy of the releases mentioned below [...]

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Forty Years In And It’s Like KMFDM Is Just Beginning On Fresh And Fiery LET GO

It can’t be almost forty years of the Ultra Heavy Beat, can it? Seems like only yesterday we were walking over to the now defunct Avalon in Boston to see them for the first time on the Symbols tour… which, come to think of it, was almost 30 years ago [...]

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Static-X Bring The Latest Evil Disco Anthems On Crushing Project Regeneration Vol. 2

We live in a truly blessed age. One where tragedy brings triumph sometimes and following a well thought out roll out, a band that essentially could’ve been forgotten has been utterly reborn. We’re of course, talking about Static-X who is set to release the second half of their Project Regeneration [...]

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