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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Profiler Fan The Flames For A Full On Nu-Metal Revival With A Digital Nowhere

Look, we experienced the Nu-Metal age firsthand as both a Heavy music fan and as a retail warrior in a record store during that time and was able to take advantage (Read: Take home) of the seemingly abundance of promos about to be tossed by higher ups so we will [...]

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Singles! Carissa Johnson, “I Surrender”

The kind of music that Carissa Johnson creates is tantamount to the term “timeless”. Whether it’s last year’s “Congratulations” single, a guest spot on Linnea’s Garden track “In The City”, or the L’Heure Bleu, After Dark EP, there’s just something endearing in the chameleonic way that Johnson adapts and evolves [...]

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Singles! Canyons and Locusts, “Love Goes Down The Drain”

An anti-Valentine’s Day jam combined with another gotDamn anthem and a half from Canyons and Locusts is just what “Love Goes Down The Drain” is and we’re pretty sure that what you’re reading right now will take longer to get through than the actual song itself. Which just means having [...]

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Leatherrax Rev Up The Rambunctious Riot Rawk On Red Rot Rouge

Believe it or not, this is the 2nd duo we’re reviewing for you today. And we don’t know why we keep mentioning that in both this and the other post. Maybe because the sounds within each are so stellar and super heroic that we’re just kind of in awe? Anyway! [...]

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Sundrifter Bring The Generator Parties To The Green Monster With Majestic Desert Rawk Opus An Earlier Time

Bay State Desert Rawk?!?! Sure, why not. Boston’s definitely got the Rawk aspect down so why wouldn’t we be throwing generator parties of our own as well especially on an album that’s just oozing with the same vibes that once conjured Blues For The Red Sun. And that’s just what [...]

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TELL Ready Their Coming Out Party With Alt Americana Life In Reverse

Your favorite new artist of 2024 is already here?!?! That can’t be right, can it? But just listen to the Alt Americana meanderings coming out of Boston’s TELL and, ahem, tell us we’re wrong, okay?

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