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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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The Darkness Bring The RAWK On Grandiose Easter Is Cancelled

I haven’t given a shit about The Darkness in over a decade. When Permission To Land dropped in 2003 I was working in a local record store in Boston and, like most, was swept up in the fervor that accompanied the album which, to this day, still fucking rules. Since [...]

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Caustic Casanova Transcend Trends On Genre-Defying Hard Rawker God How I Envy the Deaf

Caustic Casanova is a band you need to pay attention to. It’s as simple as that! On their new full-length, God How I Envy The Deaf, the quartet from D.C. unleash a rawk fury that’s epic, anthemic, and downright awesome. We became aware of them thanks to their incredible and [...]

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KMFDM Herald In A New PARADISE On Latest (And Greatest) Slab Of Industrial Ecstasy

KMFDM is back. Again. But why should you care? Because the Godfathers of Industrial consistently deliver the Ultra Heavy Beat and on PARADISE, their 21st album which celebrates their 35th year as a collective, they’re offering up their most diverse and, quite possibly, their best record of the 21st Century.

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Howling Giant Aim Beyond The Stratosphere On Colossal The Space Between Worlds

There are still bands out there that continually put out great music. You know what I mean? Like, their albums are constantly consistent, the track order makes sense, and from start to finish they provide a masterclass in how to do things just right. Sonic comfort food, if you will. [...]

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Test Meat Unchain Massive Rawker With Debut Full-Length ENJOY

“The songs are concise and get to the point. No song is over four minutes long, most are under three.” For the ADD generation, that above statement from the press release for ENJOY, the debut full-length from Boston’s Test Meat should be a ray of sunshine. Much like the entirety [...]

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Vanessa Silberman Kicks Off Fall With Lush Modern Alt Classic Brighter in Bloom

As a fan of Carissa Johnson, we were immediately intrigued when new music from Vanessa Silberman, who took Johnson out on the road last year, came across our desk. And we were even more excited that her new EP, Brighter In Bloom, is just the kind of rawk that we [...]

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