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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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16Volt Celebrate New Partnership With Metropolis Records, Drop Collected Selections From Previous 2 Outings With NegativeOnArrivals

Everything old is new again, right? If you somehow missed both 2016’s The Negative Space AND 2017’s Dead On Arrivals then you’re in luck because Negative On Arrivals is equally the best of the best from those releases, a refresher course on the majesty of 16Volt, and practically a new [...]

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Singles! Smitt E Smitty & The Fezztones, “Bye Bye Sunday Afternoon”

The music that Smitt E. Smitty & The Fezztones creates really and truly exists in a realm all its’ own. Not necessarily indescribable but more a genre unto itself and with each new outing, the collective corner some new facet of music and make it their own. And that’s the [...]

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Singles! Happy Little Clouds, “I Don’t Suppose”

In our humble opinion, the greatest bands are the ones that exhibit a chameleonic-like nature with their sound. That’s not to say that you put out a Black Metal song and follow it up with a Country one (Although, that could work…) but more shifting seamlessly within a range of [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Wicked Shorts”, FREE bench MUST PICK UP TODAY

Holy hell, it can’t be legal to have something this creepy and only about 6 or 7 minutes long, right??? And with jump scares to boot (Yes, “scares” as in plural)?!?! Sometimes it’s the ones with the least amount of set up or simplest set up depending on how you [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Official Selection”, Livescreamers

From our first Salem Horror Fest-related post this year we shared more or less what our thought process is like when selecting movies to review since we can’t review them all (Sounds like a challenge!) but what we didn’t reveal is that our initial picks are usually of the “Oh! [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Wicked Shorts”, The Gourd, the Brad, and the Ghostly

The Gourd, the Brad, and the Ghostly is one of those Horror movies where an aficionado of the genre (And even casual viewers) should see the time left after the supposed “resolution” and immediately have all the alarms in their head sound as an involuntary “Oh no!” escapes their lips. [...]

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