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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Eric Powell: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

We love us some 16Volt. We first came across the band in the late ’90’s when they were on Slipdisc Records and put out an underground banger in Supercoolnothing. At that point Trent Reznor was beginning the more experimental phase of Nine Inch Nails and Uncle Al was a slave [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest: “Interludes”, Lady Parts

Like the concept of Teeth but felt it was a little bit too visceral for your tastes??? Well, howzabout something a little more sensual… but equally horrific! That’s Lady Parts from writer/director Ariel McCleese in a nutshell with a tale of teenage angst that’s equal parts terrifying and tantalizing!

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Singles! Salem Wolves, “So Desperate”

We have never not loved what’s come out of the Salem Wolves camp and that’s not to say that we’re biased in any way but more that we have high expectations with each new offering. So to say our interest was piqued when upcoming new song “So Desperate” was announced [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Local Mass Hysteria”, Liminal

“I think there’s something magical about being trans” Right off the bat, Liminal is out of this world and when Dash Kwiatkowski (Creator, Co-Host, Paranormal Investigator, They/Them, Providence) makes the above statement within two minutes of the film running, we think the film is going to be pretty magical too. [...]

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Wheel Get Heavy, Rage Against The Machine On Perpetually Pummeling Charismatic Leaders

“This is our heavy album” says vocalist/guitarist James Lascelles within the press release for Wheel’s Charismatic Leaders and y’know what? He’s not wrong. With songs on here gestating in some cases since 2020, the music is easily some of the Helsinki trio’s finest and, yes, heaviest to date. Maybe it’s [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Official Selection”, Carnage For Christmas

“I guess you can paint over the wall of a haunted house but the ghosts are still there” -Charlie (Zarif) We may have said this before and if not in these pages then for sure on our socials somewhere but Alice Maio Mackay is the kind of artist who at [...]

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