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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Sakis Tolis: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

The mighty Rotting Christ is back! Well, almost. After a slightly longer time away than usual, the Greek Post-Death maestros will return this May 24th with Pro Xristou, their 14th full-length, which not only serves as a near perfect encapsulation of what the band has done up until now but [...]

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Singles! Charming Arson, “Saving Chelsea”

Immediate and urgent to start, “Saving Chelsea” from Boston’s Charming Arson is that most wonderful anthem that plays during the hippest Indie throwback coming-of-age dramedy ode to the ’80’s or ’90’s yet to be made. Get all that? You will.

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Singles! Speedfossil, “Sweetheart”

“Boston Rock” is a hard thing to pin down as, like the city, it’s this hybrid amalgamation of styles thrown together. And you don’t really have to look any further than some local legends like Modern Lovers, The Cars, or The J. Geils Band to get that all encapsulating vibe [...]

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Singles! Rorschach Test, “Fallen”

Probably fitting that as we found ourselves reviewing a new outing from 16Volt (Complete with a new interview with 16V’s Eric Powell), fellow former Slipdisc Records labelmates Rorschach Test would blast back unexpectedly with a new single and video!

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Singles! The Shallows, “White Sands”

Starting the day with an unexpected new release from one of our already faves is never not a great thing. In the aftermath of the 2024 Rock & Roll Rumble, 2023 entrants The Shallows return with “White Sands” that continues on the glistening Post-Rawk glow of their last collection of [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest 2024: “Official Selection” Purgatory Jack

There’s one every year that definitely fits into the headspace of Salem Horror Fest but just isn’t quite full on Horror. More in the realm of a Dark Fantasy for us at least, we’ll give Purgatory Jack from The Butler Brothers (Jason and Brett) a pass as it revolves around [...]

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