The Distinguished Order Of Disobedience or The D.O.O.D. as they’re more elegantly referred to deliver one powerful punch with their latest single, “Kill The Light”. Taking cues from Pist.On’s accessible Hardcore sensibilities, Texas Hippie Coalition’s driving sonic anthems, and the ferocity from Goth heavies Dead Girls Corp and Rob Zombie at his Electro best (Think anything off Hellbilly Deluxe or White Zombie’s “The One”), The D.O.O.D. is a melting pot of killer styles and sounds with barely any genre being able to contain what this sextet bring to the table.
With several releases under their belt already (All of which you can check out by clicking here), “Kill The Light” takes the Floridian outfit in a bold new direction and could almost be considered a starting point for new fans ahead of their fifth full-length entitled Firefly (Produced by Matt LaPlant) which is due in August. As for the track itself, it’s all heavy ass guitars from Raynus and Indiana making thunderous riffs that come at listeners like a veritable storm front with Rudy’s punctuated drum patterns, Jonzey’s riotous rumbles, Pinky’s percussive accents and sinister synth flourishes, and absolutely electrifying vocals from Brian “Monkeyboy” which makes this track stand out and makes it essential listening for all Heavy music fans.
“Kill The Light” is out now (With the accompanying video available for peepin’ below) and can be yours to stream or download when you head here or here. For the latest on The D.O.O.D., including info on that aforementioned upcoming new record, follow them on their socials by heading here, here, here, or here.