You will not hear a more kickass Rawk song than “Wide Awake” this month. The second taste from the upcoming full-length, Dead Broke, “Wide Awake” is an anthem and a half from the Halifax quartet and a hopeful sign of what’s to come following the release of “Idols” in April.
“Wide Awake” is an instant timeless gem, driven by a pulsating backbeat by drummer/lead vocalist Michelle Skelding and bassist Kim Carson while KT Lamond and David Casey’s guitars shimmy and sashay throughout the intricate sonic tapestry the band create. If you took the standout tracks from Foals and Arctic Monkeys then topped it with the early Desert Rawk meanderings of fresh-from-a-Kyuss-break-up Queens Of The Stone Age then you might have some small insight into what Like A Motorcycle offer.
“Wide Awake” is out now and can be yours to stream and/or download by clicking here now. For more on Like A Motorcycle, head over here, here, or here.