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Singles! Burton C. Bell, “Anti-Droid”

We’re not going to get into a whole BCB versus Dino thing here because, frankly, it’s been all over the place already so who needs a regurgitation of that drama, right? What we will say is that we’ve never not been excited when the former Fear Factory vocalist has put out something new. Whether it’s collabs with Static X, G/Z/R, and Ministry, Bell’s own projects like City Of Fire and Ascension of the Watchers or hell, Fear Factory’s post-Cazares/pre-reconciliation records Archetype and Transgression (Because there are those out there who don’t consider those FF releases “canon”) there’s just something special that the vocalist brings to the table with each new outing.

Anyway, in a nice twist, Bell is back in a decidedly more Heavy way than many may have anticipated and the results are something stellar. “Anti-Droid” is the name and futuristic Industrial is the game! It’s ominous and foreboding with Bell droning out “Flesh! And! Bone!” like an old school Godflesh jam before the meat and potatoes of it all and lyrics that could be interpreted as shots fired… if you’re into that sort of thing. When it comes down to it, though, there’s really no comparison for “Anti-Droid” in regards to what’s come before. Menacing programmed perfection with one of the most unique voices in modern Metal sounding as vicious and vital as ever with no sign of relenting? Sign us up!

“Anti-Droid” is out now and available to stream at all your most favorite sites of that nature, some of which can be found here or here. For more from BCB, head to the socials when you click here, here, or here.

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