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Singles! BAABES, “Greaseballs To Glitters”

Boston’s BAABES is a rare find in that they don’t really sound like anything else out there. Like, when you hear a new tune of theirs a light immediately clicks on in the old noggin as if to automatically declare “That’s BAABES!” On their latest single, “Greaseballs To Glitters”, the quartet rawk and/or roll their way into another new anthem that’s instantly recognizable and undeniably, you guessed it, BAABES.

From the onset of the guitar onslaught from Frankie Sinn’s axe to the way that Johnny Brain Box slithers around the mic with a serpentine-like hiss that’s both broad and biting capped off with the riotous rhythm section of Glam Deez and Pennywize on bass and drums respectively, “Greaseballs To Glitters” is an infectious new jam from the Boston Rawkers and you’d be doing your ears a disservice not to listen. Loudly.

“Greaseballs To Glitters” arrives through Riot Records on September 14th. Pre-save and pre-order yours now by heading here. For more on BAABES, follow them across their socials when you click here, here, or here.

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