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Section H8 Delivers Loud And Concise Call To Arms With Phase One

Combining the visceral intensity of Youth Code (One half of that outfit, Ryan George, coincidentally provides the samples and synths on Phase One) with an unbridled ’90’s Hardcore attitude (Kind of a mix of Biohazard and, honestly, Type O Negative’s early days), Section H8 is bringing a refreshing brand of concise shredding Metal to the masses.

By the time opener “A.D. (Anna Diabolus)” really kicks in, there’s barely a minute left on the clock but what Section H8 manage to do in that time and throughout the rest of Phase One is astounding. “Melting Plot” simmers next and is a shredders’ delight with guitarists Aldo Felix and Ryan Jimenez switching from ludicrous speed to big ass breakdowns with ease as drummer Yogie straight up decimates behind the kit.

“Novocain” has those huge gang vocals and that old Biohazard feel thanks to Dan Weinraub’s bass work as Mexi spits out his vicious vocals at an insane pace. Next, “Lullaby” is anything but while the title track shares the same structure as “A.D.”, building to a boil before battering listeners in the brain with an intense bombastic bashing.

Physical copies of Phase One drop on March 29th through Flatspot Records and you can get an immediate digital version by clicking here.

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