Laura (Caitlin Padayachee) needs a new place to live seeing as the forever arguing married landlords (Elizabeth Blanco & Geoff Malcolm) who live above her basement suite have deemed that they “need more space” and have decided to unceremoniously evict the soft spoken barista. While her partners (Suksham Shan & Calum Campbell) have the best intentions offering to take her in, Laura knows they have an occupancy limit so that’s not an option. And every other place seems to be unavailable currently! Will Laura end up homeless? Or will the most perfect, albeit kinda grisly, opportunity practically fall in her lap and offer up a last-minute save?
That’s Slip in a nutshell from directors Sonya Chwyl (Who also served as editor) & Anuk Desmarais-Spencer who along with Guochen Wang’s cinematography work and Peter Day’s snazzy snare-centric score (Well, percussive but couldn’t pass up a good alliteration!) have crafted a clever conundrum within ten minutes and change headlined by Padayachee who absolutely shines in a subdued performance navigating shitty customers, shitty landlords, and all around shitty life problems.
Slip from Bon Chat Films & Film Fatale Productions debuts at SATV Studio as part of the 2024 Salem Horror Fest “Wicked Shorts” program and will be screened during both weekends. For more information on Slip and the rest of the “Wicked Shorts” films, head here. For more from Salem Horror Fest, including info on all the screenings and events happening this year, be sure to follow the socials by heading here, here, and here. And if you’re interested in what Bon Chat Films is cooking up next then follow them across the interwebs when you click here.
Slip (2023) Trailer | Short Horror Comedy from Sonya Chwyl on Vimeo.