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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Vexed Exceed Expectations, Ready Stunning Sophomore Shredder With Negative Energy

If we were creating year end playlists in 2021 like we started doing last year then “Hideous”, the debut single from Vexed off Culling Culture, would’ve for sure been included. What a jarring, jagged introduction to the UK outfit that was being equal parts earworm and extreme Metal mastery which [...]

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Catching Hell Deliver A Righteous RAWK Fury On Debut EP

Fierce and full of fire, Boston’s Catching Hell is bringing a raucous RAWK to the population with the release of their debut EP. Boasting a line up of Thrashachusetts mainstays/regulars/familiar faces that includes Duncan Wilder Johnson, Michele Morgan, Owen Bean, and Will Sullivan who, collectively, have seen some shit around [...]

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High Priest Deliver A Heavy Cosmic Gospel From The Rawk Gods On Invocation

Diving into the latest from Chicago’s High Priest gives us similar feels when listening through recent albums from REZN and Sergeant Thunderhoof for the first time in that it’s kind of a transcendent experience and one that you kind of need to take some time out of your day to [...]

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Pollyanna Blue Create Some Timeless Modern Alternative Rawk On Debut Release Trials & Tribulations

You haven’t heard anything quite like Pollyanna Blue in some time… or maybe you have? The duo from Bristol creates this kind of timeless vibe with their brand of Alternative Rawk where you swear you’ve heard something sort of like it then some aspect jumps out and you’re all “Nope! [...]

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Burner Bring A Precision Pummeling To Yer Earholes On It All Returns To Nothing

The very definition of vicious, Burner’s debut full-length is a scorcher from start to finish. From the first note struck on “Hurt Locker” through to the last sonic embers burning through on “Waco Horror”, It All Returns To Nothing is a loud, abrasive collection of songs that’s like Every Time [...]

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Singles! Scorpion Tea, “Scarlet Misquote”

From Edley Odowd, who helped bring some truly indescribable new sounds to yer earholes through Psychic TV and Toilet Boys, comes the first taste of what’s to come out of similarly indescribable latest project Scorpion Tea with the release of “Scarlet Misquote”.

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