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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Singles! Linnea’s Garden, “In The City” Ft. Carissa Johnson

We’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity to cover some Linnea’s Garden music in these pages and can’t think of a more perfect moment than the latest single called “In The City” which also happens to feature one of our all around faves, Carissa Johnson!

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James Macdonald: A Rock And Roll Fables Conversation

Sure, Boston Calling may have kicked off the summer season all strong-like but what have they done for us lately? More importantly, who’s going to be covering that post-4th Of July/pre-Labor Day period??? Well, that’s where the In Between Days Festival comes in as it launches its’ second year later [...]

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Will Haven Remind All What Heavy Is With Vicious And Vital VII

Our love for Sacramento Metal mavens Will Haven knows no bounds. We might sport a Carpe Diem-related tattoo and are seriously considering a trek across the country to finally see them live since, as we get older, the likelihood of WH playing the East Coast (Or MA specifically) while we’re [...]

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Singles! Teen Idle, “Birthday Cake”

What a vibrant, lush sounding single “Birthday Cake” is! From multi-instrumentalist, producer, and singer-songwriter Sara Abdelbarry as Teen Idle, “Birthday Cake” is the first slice of music from the upcoming debut record Nonfiction and hopefully a great indication of what’s to come.

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest: Guys At Parties Like It

“Four ‘No’s’ don’t make a ‘Yes’, dude!”- Mary Colton David Coate and Micah Coate’s Guys At Parties Like It has no boogeyman behind it all, no seemingly immortal slasher bringing the madness, and no otherworldly or supernatural being at the helm of the Horror here. So, who’s the bad guy? [...]

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RNRF X Salem Horror Fest: HeBGB TV

A commentary on the streaming age and a movie that is sure to go down as one to watch as an annual tradition during Spooky Season, HeBGB TV is like the queer version of Stay Tuned meets Brainscan with a Creepshow aesthetic and a campy vibe a la The Stuff. [...]

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