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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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We Are Scientists Is Better Than Hagar-Era But Only Just As Good As Diamond Dave-Era On Sixth Album, Megaplex

Who doesn’t love We Are Scientists already? On Megaplex, fans are treated to an older, wiser, and more mature version of the group that once evaded a ferocious man-in-suit bear during the “Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt” video and later pummeled drummer Chris Cain with silly string, mustard, pies, and [...]

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Strvngers Create The Perfect Night Out To Remember At Your Favorite Goth Haunt On Amor/Noir

What an amazing slab of electro awesomeness is Amor/Noir by Strvngers! If you’re looking for an introduction, or more accurately, a lesson in how you do Electro/Darkwave right then Amor/Noir is the album you need to own yesterday! Or at least on April 20th when it’s actually out to the [...]

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Untitled Metal Column: Volume 13 (Nuke Everything, “No Control”)

It seems that 2018 is the year for resurrecting old columns here and the latest single from Nuke Everything seemed to be the perfect excuse to bring back “Untitled Metal Column”! Also, holy shit, we haven’t done one of these in almost three years? And holy shit! We’ve been around [...]

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ANMLPLNET Create Lynch-ian Utopia On Debut Fall Asleep

Honestly, we were smitten as soon as we saw that the opening track was called “I Was Fucked By A Cloud”. Never mind that ANMLPLNET features 1/3rd of Slothrust or that the songs are downright compelling, the fact that they chose that as the opener AND first single sold us [...]

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Back Seat Redemption Represent The Best Aspects Of Boston Rawk On Edge of Tomorrow: Vol. 1

Back Seat Redemption is the best kind of musical conundrum mixing genres and styles in a way that seems effortless while being consistently cohesive as a whole. Take their latest offering, Edge of Tomorrow: Vol. 1, for example. On first listen through of the 4-song EP there’s elements of Alice [...]

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Behemoth Release Relentless Messe Noire: Live Satanist Just In Time For Upcoming Shows With Slayer

I know shit about Behemoth, okay? I know of them. I have friends who dig them and know I’ll be witnessing them live for the first time when I see Slayer for the last time this summer. And honestly, I feel like going in blind is a great way to [...]

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