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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Super Sounds And Songs Abound On Super American’s Tequila Sunrise

Super American is one of those conundrums in a puzzle type bands where you think you’re getting one thing but what you’re really getting is another thing. And the “another thing” is the better thing overall. Confused? Let us explain.

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Therapy? Bring The Fire On Incendiary Cleave

There are desert island discs and there are desert island bands. The difference? Longevity. Sure, those albums are going to appease you for the rest of your unfortunate life on the island but the band itself? That’s the one that will really sustain you. Sure, sometimes they overlap but more [...]

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Pulp Rawk: Small Victories: The True Story Of Faith No More By Adrian Harte

The press release for Small Victories: The True Story Of Faith No More is quick to point out that, although the book isn’t an “official” biography of the band, it is endorsed by them going so far as to tout a quote from co-founder and bassist Bill Gould regarding the [...]

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Salem Wolves Shimmy And Shake Out Of Summer With Scorcher Of An Album

I wish I could say that Massachusetts-based bands continually surprise me with their excellence but, at this point, I kind of expect it. So when a close friend and local musical guru posts a link to a band around these parts that I don’t already know about then I already [...]

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Morne Create A Maelstrom Of Metal Awesome On Blistering To The Night Unknown

“Doom done right”. That should be the tagline attached to Morne’s To The Night Unknown. Heavy and bristling with intensity, the latest (Their fourth, actually) album from the Boston behemoths is a slick metallic collection of tracks destined to seep into your consciousness and bite at your very soul! In [...]

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Modern Mimes Preview Next Full-Length With New Single “Stare”

I became aware of Fort Lauderdale’s Modern Mimes after their cover of Type O Negative’s “I Don’t Wanna Be Me” was released and, quite frankly, was pretty blown away. As a tattoo-emblazoned, TON-loving uber fan (As in, bought the Playgirl and had it signed…or bought tickets at a far away [...]

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