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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Magnetic Eye Records Presents New And Old Favorites Covering Pink Floyd On The Wall [Redux]

I’ve gotta be honest, okay? I’m not a big Pink Floyd fan. Like, at all. I remember having a few of their albums and seeking out the live Is There Anybody Out There? record back in 2000 because I had a gift certificate to some music store that was burning [...]

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Dead Can Dance Explore The Myth Of Dionysus On Ethereal Ninth Opus

The first thing long time listeners will notice about Dead Can Dance’s ninth album is how it just moves in a steady beat from start to finish with a renewed sense of urgency, driving forth that ethereal worldly sound propelled by Brendan Perry once again at the helm alongside musical [...]

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Psychlona Does Desert Rawk Proud All The Way From Northern England On Fierce Mojo Rising

2018 is the year where we make an obscene amount of references to Kyuss. Which is not a bad thing! It just means that bands are FINALLY catching up to what the progenitors of modern desert rawk were all about. Case in point is the UK’s Psychlona who, despite a [...]

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Domkraft Deliver A Deluge Of Dynamic Doom With Flood

Domkraft is the best Doom/Sludge out there today. Yep. It was said. By me. Just now. On Flood, they take all that kind of good stuff you get when you combine equal parts mysticism with good ole psychedelia and fuzz and wrap it in a desert rawk package to get [...]

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Big Time Kill Shock and Awe On Stellar And Stunning Full-Length Debut

Thank Jeebus for bands like Big Time Kill out there who are representing for all us electro-loving freaks in the area because, let’s face it, when you think “Boston” and “Music Scene”, “Electro” is not the first genre that comes to mind. So on their debut full-length, Shock and Awe, [...]

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Pulp Rawk: Iron Maiden: Album By Album By Martin Popoff

Let’s get this out of the way first: I don’t like Iron Maiden. At all. In fact, in the great metal arguments of old I choose Megadeth over Metallica, Bush over Belladonna, and Judas Priest over Iron Maiden (Which is mentioned quite a bit in this book I’m about to [...]

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