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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Birnam Wood Remind You That 2018 Ain’t Over Yet With Big Mammer Jammer Of A Record Called Wicked Worlds

The power of the riff is alive and well in 2018 and Birnam Wood’s latest slab of sonic supremacy is all the proof in the pudding you need. On their latest, Wicked Worlds, the MA purveyors of heavy awesomesauce move and groove in ways that will astound and confound so [...]

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Pulp Rawk: Lacuna Coil, Nothing Stands In Our Way

Rocket 88 does it again! Oh, you don’t know this fine publishing house of even finer rawk books and more? The publishing house that brought you the Devin Townsend biography? Books on Porcupine Tree and Opeth and Dinosaur Jr? An upcoming book on Devo??? More importantly, they’re the reason you’re [...]

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Benthic Realm Make Masterful MA Metal On We Will Not Bow

The most distinct initial impression fans of Second Grave will hear is how Benthic Realm moves. Gone are the long, slow builds that Krista Van Guilder fronted once before in that aforementioned doom outfit replaced with the urgency of a fresh band on the road towards some truly righteous gloom [...]

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Larkin Poe Guide Listeners Down South On Soulful Venom & Faith

Larkin Poe is a tough one to describe. The sibling duo is this breath of fresh air in today’s musical climate that’s sorta Country, sorta Bluegrass, sorta Pop, sorta Hip-Hop yet all the while kinda transcending those genres entirely to create a sort of New Americana. On their fourth outing, [...]

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Four Stroke Baron Creates Cathartic Chaos On Planet Silver Screen

Is it too late to add to our year end ‘Best Of’ list? Asking for friend. Who is REALLY into what Four Stroke Baron is about. But seriously, wow! Where did this band come from?!?! According to their bio: “Four Stroke Baron is a band that over 7 billion people [...]

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War On Women’s Live At Magpie Cage (Acoustic) Is The Rallying Cry We All Need Right Now

I know bupkis about War On Women, okay? But I do know what I like and I like this. A lot. And I also know that in these trying times, it’s important to showcase artists who give voice to the voiceless and use their powers for good like War On [...]

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