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Deprogrammer Cult Enter The Chat With Hottest Heavy Album Of Your Summer On Tactics For Manipulation

There’s a reason certain albums/artists make it onto our new year preview list without hearing a note and just the whiff or mention that something is coming down the line. In most cases, that’s due to either the collective talent involved having some past releases (Together or with other bands) that are already and certified […]

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Ritual Howls Hit The Road With The Faint In Support Of Rendered Armor Which We Finally Reviewed

Spotify is a godsend, okay? Say what you will about the streaming platform but without them and their daily mixes I would’ve never stumbled across artists like Soviet Soviet, She Past Away, or Ritual Howls who just hit Boston as direct support for The Faint while supporting their latest, Rendered [...]

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Mike Vitali Has Started A Patreon (And Why You Should Care)!

Personally, I’ve subscribed to a few Patreon accounts and they can be a mixed bag. One I subscribe to gives the goods very frequently with informative updates, fun observations, etc. while another one I recently unsubscribed from couldn’t even provide the tee shirt promised with the tier I subscribed to [...]

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Flaw Continue Comeback Climb With Brutally Beautiful Vol IV: Because of the Brave

Flaw has always been a hard band to pin down. Emerging during the fall of the Nu in 2001 with Through the Eyes, the band stood out by incorporating groove into their Metal more akin to Down or Lamb Of God to an extent rather than Korn. Flaw disbanded soon [...]

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Torche Conquer All With A Heavy Melody On Admission

Somewhere in the beginning of my review of Torche’s last behemoth (Which you can conveniently read here!), I mentioned something along the lines of wanting to write a review on the title track by itself because it was that good. Well, it seems that the quartet from Miami, Florida have [...]

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Wear Your Wounds: A Track By Track By Track By Track By Track Review Of Rust on the Gates of Heaven

Not a hoax! Not a ploy! Not a gimmick! Sort of! Regardless, you read that right! What we have for you today is a five track review of the upcoming Wear Your Wounds album because a) We wanted to get something out before it drops on Friday through Deathwish Inc [...]

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Bones UK Drop A Whopper Of An Electro/Rawk Debut On The Unsuspecting Masses

If you go to the movies a lot like me, chances are you’ve seen the trailer for the latest female assassin Luc Besson flick, Anna, and heard that bouncy, fabulous music while the title card plays after Sasha Luss has dispensed with some baddies during the tease. However, chances are [...]

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