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Nervosa’s Modern Metal Thrash Goes Far Beyond Heavy On Perpetual Chaos

Like Exodus and Venom Prison throwing down, Nervosa triumph with this collision of old school Thrash and new school techniques. On Perpetual Chaos, the Brazilian quartet master the METAL even more with a record that’s both thrilling and thoughtful.

Setting the tone immediately, “Venomous” is a vicious start delving into these heavier moments of more modern Thrash to create this unholy new anthem for the Metal masses. If possible, “Guided By Evil” is even more vicious led by Diva Satanica’s even MORE vicious delivery and Eleni Nota’s steady stomp on the drums.

And I know what you’re thinking: Can Nervosa possibly sound even more vicious (Last time, I swear) than THAT? Well, “People Of The Abyss” answers that question with a resounding “EFF YES!” brutalizing yer earholes within a track that’s like Testament at their heaviest (Think The Gathering especially) combined with some of Black Metal’s current greats featuring a huge chorus that’s both menacing and majestic.

The title track is a crushing behemoth with Prika Amaral’s furious playing coming at listeners’ ears like a swarm of bees, “Until The Very End” is just plain nasty with Satanica’s divine delivery at its’ most sinister and later, “Gennocidal Command” begins with an ear-piercing screech from guest Schmier (Destruction) and is kind of like Nervosa’s own “Angel Of Death”.

“Time To Fight” is like an old school Punk riot or some sort of Swedish Crust Punk jam with Mia Wallace’s bass tones sounding like a battering ram when matched with Nota’s heavy drumming while “Blood Eagle” is chilling to start then switches between shreddy and sludgey for this aural roller coaster of DOOM. Fresh off their own Thrash masterpiece, Flotsam and Jetsam’s Eric Knutson lends his uncanny pipes to thrashtastic “Rebel Soul” countering Diva Satanic’s growling shrieks. Then there’s the equally furious “Pursued By Judgement” which serves as a precursor to the bigger and badder “Under Ruins” with Wallace, Amaral, Nota, and Diva Satanica at their most vicious (Sorry!) yet!

Perpetual Chaos drops on January 22nd through Napalm Records. You can get yer pre-order on by heading here and here to view a variety of formats. For the latest on Nervosa, follow them across their socials by clicking here, here, or here.

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