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Jokes! Episode 8: Daniel Tosh People Pleaser


Let it be known that I hold grudges and have held a grudge against Daniel Tosh since that “rape joke” incident happened a few years back. And I’m not talking like a “I’m just gonna be mad at you silently grudge”. I’m talking a “I will stop watching your show religiously cold turkey and never listen to your stand up again” kind of grudge. And haven’t looked back since. Did I miss the funny? Did I miss the jokes? Yep, but I have principles dammit! Or I did until Tosh’s latest special, People Pleaser, came through my digital inbox. I was tempted to just flat out delete it without hearing a single bit. But curiosity got the best of me and now here we are.

And the goddamn thing is funny.

Tosh even broaches that touchy subject which led to our demise and, surprise, owns up to it. In his own way, of course: “Fuck it, I make my life saying shocking things. There’s consequences…” Part of me was hoping that would happen and another part hoped listening to this would find him humorless. I’m actually really glad People Pleaser fell into the former.

But enough with the seriousness! Tosh’s latest brings the funny and has an answer for everything. Solving the environmental problem: “Stop having kids!” Racist cops: “Only black people should allowed to be cops.” On orphanages being so inaccessible: “You ever go to a grocery store on a Saturday and out front they have a pen set outside for rescue dogs?” And that’s not even touching on his views on the handicapped or terminally ill Make-A-Wish recipients!

I’ll never forgive Tosh for being a dick but I get that’s just part of who he is and dark lord help me, he’s still funnier than most out there today. People Pleaser is the proof.

People Pleaser is out now through Comedy Central. The full special can be found here while DVD versions of the special are available here.

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