Shreddy and rumbly with all that other good rawk stuff in between, Boston’s iL Mostro is a veritable force to be reckoned with as evidenced on their latest ear-destroying masterpiece.
For the uninitiated, iL Mostro sound like Year Of The Cobra mixed with the rougher Corrosion Of Conformity anthems and a little Ghost Ride thrown in for good measure. Remember them? Members of Will Haven spewing forth massive walls of sound funneled through a desert rawk blender? Yep, that’s worked into the iL Mostro DNA for sure.
But I digress.
“Today” is a rager and then some and the obvious opener for this immediately infectious full-length. From there the intensity builds with “Cut The Cord” which has these huge gang vox-style choruses as Shane religiously bangs away behind the kit.
Mike Downing’s voice is a true hero here as he gives each track a distinct flavor as the rest of the band sonically navigate listeners through the heavy ass tapestry. Case in point: “Horror Movie Moon” shines with a huge sing-a-long chorus that quickly morphs into a throttling banger. And then there’s “Clown Car” which is almost akin to classic Brian Johnson-fronted AC/DC. You know what I’m talking about, right? Like, Fly On The Wall laid back RAWK. That’s “Clown Car”.
“Immurement”, on the other hand, is just a purified sonic maelstrom of Ron and Johnny Machine’s dual guitar attack and then “Like Shadows” flips the script and is as if Bob Mould birthed Sugar in the age of Husker Du with Jay’s bass bringing the ’90’s feels as the guitars put forth another riff smackdown.
iL Mostro is out now via Deathkiss. Yes, that Deathkiss (Didja catch DK head honcho Mary Fances on the record? Go back and listen again then!). And just like some our most favorite and reliable labels (Magnetic Eye and Metropolis immediately come to mind), you know you can trust DK to put out the good shit. Get your copy here and head on over here to see where you can catch iL Mostro next!