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I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness choose darkness again on Dust


Surprise albums make for the best albums. You know which ones I’m talking about: Those ones that seemingly come out of nowhere from a band you really love who maybe hasn’t produced an album in, say, eight years or so?

Which brings me to I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness.

In 2006, they released the beyond brilliant Fear Is On Our Side (Produced by Ministry/Bells Into Machines own Paul Barker) and then vanished. Regardless of why it took this Austin, TX group so long to craft the follow up, the important part today is that there is a follow up. And what a follow up! With Dust (Once again produced by Barker), ILYBICD have yet again composed this epic sonic landscape of gloom and doom tickled with beautiful bouts of melody hitting each song much like when the sun breaks through the clouds.

From the onset of “Faust” ILYBICD hit the ground running not missing a step since their last full-length. If “According To Plan” was your cup of tea then “Faust” should be a fierce reminder of the intensity the band brings each time they plug in. It’s “Stay Awake” which follows that really sets the tone for the rest of Dust, though, upping the intensity and displaying a maturity of a band who waited to make the best album they could before unleashing it to the masses. While Fear Is On Our Side was a little more Joy Division 101 in the comparison department, Dust is easily ILYBICD taking it to the next level a la The Cure’s Disintegration. Yeah, it’s that big.

“Safely” really captures the magic that is ILYBICD opening with shimmering synths until a lone guitar breaks the air followed by an echoed drum beat. “Come Undone” offers an uptempo drone building to a melodic, yet almost catastrophic, climax. “Walk Out” is propelled by a driving bass guitar and brings to mind some of New Order’s finest work while other highlights include the dissonance-infused “You Are Dead To Me” and the vast soundscape of “69th St. Bridge”.

Dust is out now through Secretly Canadian. You can get your copy here or here. For all things ILYBICD, go here.

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