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Grub, Sweat And Beers 7 Preview: Day 2 (July 29th, O’Brien’s Pub)

Sure, your ears might still be ringing and your liver might be a little sore after Day 1 of this year’s GSB (Which we previewed here) but there’s no rest for the wicked and LOTS to get to when it comes to what’s going to happen on Day 2 of the 7th Annual extravaganza from your most favorite trio of humans Aaron Gray, Jim Healey, and Doug Sherman! So are ya ready, kids??? Then let’s dive in:

Industrial Grade Chemical Cleaner is kicking it all off all early like and taking the stage at 130PM with the loudness they bring that’s a mix of Death and Hardcore (But not “Deathcore”, okay?) which is GUARANTEED to wake you up if you haven’t recovered from Day 1 yet. Following that is Lynn’s own Cannabis Crypt who boast some big breakdowns and an all around badass Metal bravado. As fans of Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan we’re slightly biased when it comes to vocalist Erik Scott’s return to the mic in Deprogrammer Cult… and rightly so because this new outfit fucking rips with its’ modern Metal/Hardcore hybrid that’s a little reminiscent of early Orange 9mm if Chaka Malik screamed his head off.

Crowfeeder enters the fray next and, on first listen through recent EP Dirt, is like if Neil Fallon kept his scream on and Clutch went wholly down the Sludge/Doom route so if that’s your bag (It definitely is for us) then make sure you’re showing up earlier in the day! Brain Famine saunter in next with a shreddy Metal mayhem that’s straight outta Weymouth and sure to do the same thing to your senses that 10 cups of coffee injected intravenously would with Luci Dead Limb slated for 515PM and a haunting array of sounds and ethereal voices that are a little similar to PJ Harvey or Chelsea Wolfe… but creepier. In a good way!

The menacing music of Rue takes the stage next with some lumbering Metal that’s like early Isis (Can we still call them that or it Celestial for good?) if they leaned more to the extreme and less on the experimental. Another Weymouth entrant into the GSB Thunderdome is Swamphead who have the Desert Rawk sound down pat for tunes that are like Nick Oliveri fronting Kyuss in the Wretch era and going in a more Metal direction (They’ll also be appearing with KIND on 9/9 at Faces Brewing btw).

We’ve been championing the Marlborough sisters of Circus Trees for quite some time and although one might think they’d be slightly out of place here, it just takes a listen to CT’s heavy ass sonic soundscape conjured on the regular to know they couldn’t be more at home here. And if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get a taste of some new music on the horizon (“Save Yourself”, coming August 1st)! Problem With Dragons from Easthampton is, according to their Bandcamp bio, “Parts Stoner, Sludge, Punk, Hard Rock, Doom, Grunge Classic Rock, Heavy Metal and Prog Rock” and we couldn’t agree more! And we’ll top that with our own take: “A heavy Moody Blues that’s magically gnarly with some Prog-ish tendencies”!

In the context of Metal, can we say the word “fun”? Is that okay? Because, despite the unparalleled heaviness they create, The Lousy is a fucking fun listen. A headbanger’s delight with a rad sound that mixes old school Thrash with some good ole Swedish Death ‘n’ Roll… but, y’know, from Boston! Keeping the momentum rolling and closing in on the 10 o’clock hour, Morgued get their new school Death Metal on for some devastating noise that might blow the roof off O’Brien’s if it isn’t gone already. Speaking of death, Death Strider is here with some Slayer-style riffage and Exodus-like vox but an all around modern Metal vibe.

Torn In Half is just vicious with a recently released new offering in the form of Crawling From The Abyss which has a massive sound, monstrous vocals, some gargantuan Entombed-like riffin’ within and the perfect penultimate artist for the 7th edition of GSB. Which brings us to the end and Face First with their brand of fast, furious, and fiery Metal Thrashin’ Hardcore sound. So if your, ahem, faces weren’t already melted off then best be prepared for what’s to come from FF. And they manage to get an Aunt May/Green Goblin sample from Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man on Demo II (“Visions In Hell”) which is an obvious reason to dig them as well.

Get your tickets in advance for Day 2 (Happening at O’Brien’s on Saturday, July 29th) now by heading here or here. Let ’em know you’re coming by heading here and follow the rest of the shreddy shenanigans here for all the rest of the pertinent deets!

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