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Glacier Celebrate “No Happy Music” On Behemothic No Light Ever

Bleak, cold, and unforgiving like the Blizzard of ’78…or like their fitting moniker, Boston’s Glacier create the kind of lurching and lumbering soundpieces that are the perfect soundtrack for New England winters and on No Light Ever, they deliver an unrelenting atmosphere that’s easily one of the Post-Metal standouts of 2019.

But I digress.

At thirteen minutes and change, “O World! I Belong No Longer Here.” is kind of like starting your album off with an EP and that should give you a hint of the epicness we’re talking about when you delve into No Light Ever. The track serves as a mission statement of sorts, or at least a statement of monolithic intent as it solemnly builds towards a truly menacing climax. Whereas contemporaries like Harborlights go for the heavens/stratosphere with their brand of Post-Rock (“Altered Course” by Isis immediately comes to mind), Glacier goes for the underbelly and the heavier side (Think “Celestial”) to make this kind of Yin Yang in the Boston instrumental shoegaze scene.

Next, “The Bugles Blow, Fanned By Hysteria.” goes in a quirky direction to start, entering David Lynch territory and possibly The Bang Bang Bar before evolving into two completely different, and equally promising, entities which shred, pummel, and soothe at the same time.

“We Glut Our Souls On The Accursed,” follows and I guess would be considered the “single” here mainly because it’s the only track that doesn’t stretch into the double digits. It might also be considered an interlude but even this somber moodpiece with rolling cymbals emulating waves crashing (Pelican’s “March To The Sea” comes to mind especially here) is a veritable sonic force with a constant bass humming and guitars circling the foundation like a catastrophic aural tornado, threatening to touch ground without warning.

Closer “And We Are Damned Amid Noble Sound.” kinda shreds. Moving at breakneck speed (For Glacier), the track is vibrant and immediate with an almost static noise that’s incessant for a solid five minutes until the levee breaks and listeners are granted a brief reprieve. Cue your slow head bob moment! But only for a moment because holy Jeebus, what comes next is monumental! And by that, we mean the creation of this wall of sound that, quite simply, belongs in the overall “this is some good shit right here” category. The eleven and a half minute rager is ominous, lording over all and the most dynamic song yet on an album that’s filled with movements and time/tempo/style changes before going back into a groove that’s not quite as fast as the opening salvo but just as potent. And the perfect conclusion to the inspired monolith that is No Light Ever.

No Light Ever is out for your ears now! You can get digital copies by clicking here with vinyl coming on October 12th through Wolves and Vibrancy Records (Pre-order that here) and CD versions following on Post. For the latest on Glacier, including upcoming live dates like their record release show for No Light Ever with Harborlights at Great Scott on October 12th, follow them on the socials here and here.

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