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forktie Celebrate The End With Exquisitely Ecclectic Pair Of Final Tracks Of Pure New School Grunge

Boston’s forktie has come to an end. But before that, they’re going to remind listeners of what they’ll be missing out on. Closing the book with a pair of new tracks, forktie explore new sounds and styles which give greater insight into what might’ve been from the New School Alt-Grunge mavericks.

From the start, “Saturday The 14th” is a dark, dense slab of Grunge and the end result if Possum Kingdom and Sweet Oblivion‘s best moody tracks combined into one comprehensive song. Dom Mariano’s twangy guitars serve as a perfect counterpoint to Aarne Victorine’s downtrodden yet bouncin’ bass lines with Corey LeBlanc providing a suitably fierce bashing from behind the kit.

Then there’s “the violence clause” which is a different kind of dense and a real rad rawker for forktie to go out on with Mariano fittingly crooning “Time for letting go!” as Victorine and LeBlanc’s rhythm section lay it on thick and heavy.

Recorded by Richard Marr at Galaxy Park Studios (Check them out here), you can grab Ender from forktie by clicking here. For what’s next from the individual members, pay attention to the forktie socials here and here for the latest and greatest on the horizon from Dom, Corey, and Aarne.

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