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Child Bite Morph Manic Energy Into Mind-Blowing Mature Metal On Blow Off The Omens

Normally when I go into a review of something new from Child Bite I like to have a tab open with synonyms ready for terms like “frenetic” and “cacophony” because, in most cases, that’s the kind of music fans get from the Detroit outfit. But lo and behold, here we are with their fifth full-length and the metamorphosis from simple Noise anarchists to this bewildering behemoth of rawkin’ riffs continues to arouse and astound.

Sure, that nervous energy is still there for those of you in need of the same old same old but on the Steve Albini-recorded Blow Off The Omens it’s expertly masked within nine pristine tracks of piledriving perfection. The one-two punch of “Mock Ecstasy” and “The Stimulus Gorge” are both testaments to that observation with vocalist Shawn Knight kicking it all off with a groggily asked “Is this real life?” before a ferocious bark drops to wake yer asses up.

“Vexed Life” is where it all gets really fun, though, with Sean Clancy’s bass groovin’ along as Jeremy Waun’s guitars weave in and out with a tale of their own and Knight switches from laid back soliloquy and biting scream to provide another case for why he’s one of Hard Rawk’s most unique and exciting vocalists.

Later on, “Become An Animal” is vicious and intricate with Shane Hochstettler’s drums providing a steady dose of bombastic battering and frenetic fills while “The Wrong Ones Breed” has an oddly endearing chorus that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand right the fuck up with Knight’s voice becoming a hypnotizing hum when he’s not screaming like a madman.

“Disposable Hysteria” goes Goth with this elaborate hymnal opening propelled by Hochstettler’s march-like beats and then devolves into a new Child Bite masterpiece with sax work from Bruce Lamont coming in like a haunting shriek before ending in flurry of chaotic fury. The title track is a little more traditional in the song structure sense but no less intense than what proceeded it on the album making it a fitting anthem to close out the record.

Blow Off The Omens arrives through Housecore Records on November 22nd and you’d be wise not to sleep on it. In fact, we have some helpful links where you can pre-order it now so you don’t forget right here and here. For the latest on Child Bite, including upcoming tour dates like the one they have on November 12th at Great Scott with Black Tusk, follow them on the electronic superhighway here or here.

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