There’s no question there’s lots to choose from on Bandcamp on any given day and not just when the fabled “Bandcamp Friday” hits once a month. Part of our job as we see it is to highlight the artists that we think are deserving of your time, money, and obviously [...]
“What if Weezer wrote a song about the IRA?” is the question that The Roland High Life posit at you, dear readers, when presenting their upcoming new single “Oh Dolours” and all we can say in response is “Oh, The Roland High Life!” in that comedic end of a sitcom [...]
This started as a Singles! review then morphed into a video review and is now an EP preview because when it comes to Boston’s The Shirts and Shoes sometimes you just have to go with the flow. Especially when the flow sounds anything like their new EP that’s just about [...]
Exuding the same kind of swag that made early Queens of the Stone Age recordings so exhilarating yet retaining the experience of later offerings, Waste A Saint’s sophomore album exhibits the kind of sonic mastery often found in artists developing their fifth or sixth album and not one barely two [...]
Timelost is an accurate description when talking about the Philadelphia trio’s latest effort, Drained, because that’s just the kind of music they play and that fans will hear the instant “play” is pushed as it’s like being hit in the face with wave after wave of nostalgia-soaked Alternative and Post-Rawk [...]
Following surprise debut single “Roadrunner Vs. Your Mother” late in 2023, The Magic City (The Daily Pravda, Graveyard of the Atlantic, etc.) is poised to deliver another unexpected turn with “A Series Of Chemicals” which manages to peel back a few more layers of that, ahem, magic the Boston-based quartet [...]