What do you get when you mix parts of grind, thrash, black metal, and noisecore in a blender then add lots of experimentation and heaping amounts of intensity? Why the latest from Philip H. Anselmo & The Illegals, of course! But I digress.
Whoa, nelly! Doom, thy name is King Witch! Like a sped up version of “Black Sabbath”, “Beneath The Waves” crashes forth onto the shore washing listeners with these hellish sounds heralded by menacing bells and Laura Donnelly’s unparalleled pipes.
New Year’s Day continue to break new ground whether it’s on original tunes or transforming someone else’s classic into their own. On Diary Of A Creep, NYD take some beloved anthems from Garbage, Pantera, and more and infuse them with fresh takes and new technology to create a covers record [...]
The XCERTS love to leave you guessing and during Hold On To Your Heart, their fourth album, the UK natives do just that song after song. Anthem after anthem. Jam after jam. Get where we’re going with this?
I can (barely ever) say no to reviewing Industrial/Electronica. Especially when it comes in the form of iconic trendsetters like Meat Beat Manifesto who return to celebrate over thirty years of music-making bliss with a new album that also happens to be their first new full-length in almost seven years [...]
Black Space Riders is an enigma wrapped inside a puzzle and a band that’s just really hard to pin down. That said, in a day and age where bands just come and go without any discernible distinction, BSR is a breath of fresh air with the truly indescribable slab of [...]