Back Seat Redemption is the best kind of musical conundrum mixing genres and styles in a way that seems effortless while being consistently cohesive as a whole. Take their latest offering, Edge of Tomorrow: Vol. 1, for example. On first listen through of the 4-song EP there’s elements of Alice [...]
I know shit about Behemoth, okay? I know of them. I have friends who dig them and know I’ll be witnessing them live for the first time when I see Slayer for the last time this summer. And honestly, I feel like going in blind is a great way to [...]
This is one of those after the fact records that stuck with me enough to have thoughts. Especially because I feel the need to defend it against haters.
Gozu albums have always been these epic events of expertly executed exercises in the worship of the almighty riff but on Equilibrium, these Boston rawkers set the bar pretty GD high for any hard/heavy band out there who dare to try and match this in 2018. If this one doesn’t [...]
It takes a special kind of band to bring “Singles!” out of mothballs and even more special when said band isn’t Misery Loves Co. (Who have been the focus of the last two of these posts) That “special kind of band” in this case is Boston’s own blindspot [...]
If “Skylarking” doesn’t just hypnotize the fuck out of you during the onset of Negative Houses by FACS then congratulations, you have just discovered that you have some incurable disease that prevents you from enjoying music. And possibly life. Go see a doctor NOW!