Every once in a while Godhead will come up on one of my daily Spotify Industrial mixes and I always think “Whatever happened to them?” For the uninformed, Godhead is a relatively still active Electro/Industrial outfit started in the mid-’90’s and championed by Marilyn Manson who would later sign them [...]
So you get a bunch of local outfits, give them two hours to record a track and see what you get. Sounds like the next greatest installment of an MTV Real World-type show, right? Wrong! This is how the latest volume of Deathkiss came to fruition over at the now [...]
I totally forgot that at one point there was a category for video features over here so again, 2018 for the win in resurrecting old headers over on RNRF. But I digress.
In which we regale you with stories/reviews of bands that should’ve seen more of the light but were swallowed up and spit out by an unforgiving Metal sub-genre. Welcome to “Daze of the Nu”, our brand new column featuring a different nu-metal outfit that we feel didn’t get the attention [...]
On my Itunes, just before the latest album from The English Beat, is “March Of The Swivel Heads” from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Played during “The race home” in the flick in case you didn’t already know). Oddly enough, that classic track serves as the perfect reminder of how truly [...]
This is a site where, if I don’t like it, chances are it ain’t getting reviewed. Mostly because I don’t have the time to waste on stuff that doesn’t interest me and, quite frankly, writing about stuff that I don’t like is a whole lot of negative energy that I [...]