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New Releases

Dee Snider Wants To Rock (Again) On Vibrant And Vicious Leave A Scar

There’s something about this recent second coming of Dee Snider that leaves a constant permagrin on my face because there’s very few artists out there today who can masterfully infuse some genuine FUN into Metal the way that Mr. Snider can. On his latest offering, the even more METAL follow [...]

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The Joy Thieves Assemble An Army Of Greats For Post-Punk Heist Of The Century On American Parasite

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The best kinds of albums are the ones you weren’t expecting. Sure, I’m aware that the Industrial juggernaut known as The Joy Thieves is out there making killer tunes but legitimately had no clue that not only was a proper full-length [...]

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Blutengel Readies The Spark Destined To Set Dance Floors Ablaze With Electro Gothic Banger Erlösung – The Victory Of Light

There’s few records these days that, due to the strength of a lead single or two, compel me to anxiously await when a promo will hopefully filter into ye olde digital desk. The latest from Blutengel is one such record and the singles in question, “The Victory Of Light” and [...]

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Singles! Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly., “Drift”

Much like producer Mark Ronson’s records under his own name, Sam Duckworth exudes a fantabulous flair when stepping out from behind the mixing board and letting his freak flag fly on his own under the moniker of Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. And much like Ronson, what Duckworth creates on [...]

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With Wildhund, LANTLOS Offer Up A Vast Spectrum Of Sonic Excellence For Their Fabulous Fifth Full-Length

While they may be labeled as “Alternative Metal” in some of their more recent bios, it’s kind of doing Germany’s LANTLOS a grave disservice to not throw “Prog” in the mix as well after hearing their fifth full-length, Wildhund, due out soon through Prophecy Productions. If you want to do [...]

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Planet Of The Dead Give Nods To Your Favorite Sc-Fi And Horror Flicks, Create Your New Favorite Rawk Record On Pilgrims

Listening through Pilgrims, the sophomore shredder from New Zealand’s Planet Of The Dead, is a fucking blessing. Conjuring up a vibe akin to the earliest Clutch material or, for local folks, Motherboar, Pilgrims is all the chunky riffage and monstrous vocals you’d ever need with nods and inspiration from some [...]

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