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New Releases

SPICE Avoid The Sophomore Slump, Skip Straight To Legendary Status With Viv

It’s not even fair to call Viv, SPICE’s sophomore effort, a more mature record because this Los Angeles-based band made up of veterans of the industry sounded like seasoned pros on the their debut as is. So what is Viv? Boss level SPICE? A new evolution? Well, however you want [...]

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Cave In Hone In On Space-Rawk Roots, Create A Cathartic Crusher With Majestic Heavy Pendulum

I try to stay away from other reviews when it comes to any album I already know that I’ll be reviewing myself here but after hearing the latest Cave In record all the way through for the first time I got a little overexcited to see if people felt the [...]

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Premiere! No More Blue Tomorrows, “Chaperone”

In the grand tradition of U2’s “Where The Streets Have No Name” video treatment and many a guerilla rooftop concert moment caught on tape a la The Beatles and Limp Bizkit comes a different sort of moment captured by Nashua, NH’s own No More Blue Tomorrows. A moment at the [...]

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Child Bite Find Crushing Cousins On Another Continent For New Split 7″ EP With Black Rheno

Whenever we get a promo with barely a week or less to go before a release it tends to get pushed to the bottom of the “must cover” pile as there’s usually a bunch of other stuff that’s had our attention for some time (Again, we listen to EVERYTHING that [...]

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The Nika Riots Read You The Riot Act On Raucous Debut Derelict

Like Greg Puciato simultaneously fronting The Kinison, He Is Legend, and Refused circa The Shape of Punk to Come, The Nika Riots immediately stand apart with the righteous Rawk they bring forth on the incendiary Derelict. Barring those comparisons, the music itself is simultaneously textured, divine, and unrelenting and with [...]

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FOZZY Bring A Bodacious Bombast Filled With Banger After Banger On Eighth Full-Length BOOMBOX

Easily one of our most anticipated releases for about 2 years now, FOZZY return with their 8th full-length this May and it is well worth the wait after the unexpected banger-maker that Judas turned out to be. In fact, you know what? I’m just going to come out and say [...]

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