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New Releases

Chat Pile Unleash A Mighty Sonic Savagery On Noise Rawk Debut God’s Country

Imagine Godflesh and Helmet collided in the early ’90’s (Streetcleaner meets Menatime) and recorded the greatest Noise Metal record evah then subsequently forgot about it. Until now. In our minds, that’s kind of an apt round up of what you’ll hear when you dive into the debut from Oklahoma City’s [...]

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Motel Black Deal Out Elevated Excellence On Striking Debut Humor Balance

Diving into a record that’s virtually incomparable to current trends and artists is a refreshing yet tedious task because how will the people know what to expect? Will words be enough to entice when you can’t compare the record to something already readily known? The answer to all those conundrums [...]

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Sick N’ Beautiful Bring The Playful And The Punishing To Apocalyptic Space Opera Starstruck

Of course to get the full appeal of the “Intergalactic Nomads” who make up Sick N’ Beautiful you need a visual accompaniment… but any outfit worth their weight knows that there has to be some substance behind the show. Luckily, Sick N’ Beautiful back up the stunning visuals displayed in [...]

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The Clay People Stay Vigilant But Are Far From Calm On Crushing Cult Hypnotica

Let’s face the facts: there’s no such thing as a bad album from The Clay People. Our only gripe over the years has been consistency. The songs are there and the musicianship is definitely there but there’s just something in the execution with the album sequence that tends to drop [...]

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Municipal Waste Thrive And Throw Down Some Sweet Thrash Anarchy On Electrified Brain

This is the kind of album that makes us question our life choices regarding why we never got into Municipal Waste in the first place. Maybe we should start a column called “Oops! I Did It Again!” with the focus being artists we initially neglected only to find out they [...]

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ITHACA Taps Into Defiantly Diverse Heaviness For Sophomore Effort They Fear Us

Sweet holy jeebus, there’s nothing on the market right now that sounds anything like ITHACA. With their sophomore outing, the London-based quintet take your favorite parts of Metalcore, Doom, and just Heavy music in general, infuse it with an undeniably captivating melodic side, and conjure up one of the most [...]

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