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New Releases

Jason Priest Is Found And Unveils Latest Synth Scorcher With For Your Consideration

Waaaaaay back in June 2021 (So not that long ago… it just seems that way!) we took a dive into the world of Jason Priest (AKA Antoni Maiovvi) and were pleasantly surprised by the stunning Synthwave emanating from within Jason Priest Is Missing. Following up something that we deemed to [...]

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96 Bitter Beings Bring CKY To A New Generation With The Transcending Rawk Of Synergy Restored

While working in retail hell, CKY’s Vol. 1 was like sonic comfort food. It was a genre-bending masterpiece from start to finish and whenever it’d pop up in ye olde 5-disc changer an instant shit eating grin would form on my 20-something face. Add the visuals of my manager scrambling [...]

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Singles! Vicious Blonde, “Dreams Come True”

A relentless rollickin’ Rawk fest from start to finish, the newest single from Melbourne’s Vicious Blonde is some of the best barely two minutes you’ll have the privilege of listening to in 2022 from a quartet that’s just getting started rocking your socks off.

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The Endorphins Is The Only Rawk You’ll Need In 2022 And Nothing Is Real Proves Why

Holy sweet big baby, baby, and just regular big Jeebus combined! Where the hell did this band come from??? Of course we know the answer is “Boston” (Cue pride) but gotdamn if this isn’t some next level Alternative Rawk through and through. At this point in the year, and thinking [...]

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PSYCHONAUT Combines It All For Epic Prog-Dirge On Violate Consensus Reality

If you’re looking for the hip place to indulge in your most favorite sounds of the Doom, DIrge, Sludge, and Prog variety then look no further than PSYCHONAUT’s Violate Consensus Reality which has all those elements and more and combines the might of contemporaries like Irist and Hippotraktor (Who also [...]

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Dead Cross Skip The Sophomore Slump, Shoot Straight For Legendary Status With II

You ever buy tickets for a show months and months in advance and by the time the show is scheduled to take place you just don’t feel like leaving your house? This has happened to us on numerous occasions and, as often as we bail on something at the last [...]

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