If something’s going to eventually end up on our year end list then it needs a proper review barring the tiny blurbs we add, right? It’s especially important to have a review when going through our Spotify “Wrapped” playlist for the year and many a song on said album lie [...]
Sumerian Records is quickly becoming one of our “go to” labels when it comes to new music. Artists like Bones UK was always a favorite of ours, Poppy consistently slays, and we (gasp) only recently discovered Bad Omens and, in particular, the glory that is The Death of Peace of [...]
There’s a lot right with the latest single from Lux Lyall. Actually, what we meant is that all is right with the latest single from Lux Lyall. One of those “Where have I heard that before?” songs that’s just inherently timeless, “Draw Blood” is a mix of feels that combines [...]
Like many out there, music was a real comfort during the first year of the pandemic. There were many an album that brought just some pure joy to the RNRF offices but, being forever a Goth/Industrial kid at heart, none delivered more than Corlyx and their beauty called Together Apart [...]
I dig blink 182, okay? And I’m not ashamed to admit it. When the tour announcement/album news hit recently I was genuinely excited and probably would’ve gotten tickets to next year’s Garden show had the tix not been at insane prices (Thanks, Ticketmaster!) I mentioned this to my best friend [...]
Pleasant surprises are when He Is Legend not so subtly tease a new release and then the gotdamn thing actually materializes within the same year those aforementioned teases were made. The band that refuses to die, He Is Legend, is back with their seventh full-length rekkid called Endless Hallway and [...]