It’s truly a wonderful thing when a promo comes across the digital desk and far exceeds expectations based on comparisons within the press release. In the case of LIYA, the singer/songwriter from Tel-Aviv blows away The Birthday Party and (Gasp!) Depeche Mode references on her latest EP Listen.
EP’s like Scalp The Pioneer’s latest (Fentanyl I See, out now) are a tough cookie to crack when it comes to a proper review. You’ve got three tracks adding up to maybe six minutes of music yet the music within is so intense and intricate that it kinda demands a [...]
Holy hell do we have to nip this thing in the bud before we even start! The idea was to have 19 solid releases that are in various states of development to fill out our list of most anticipated for 2019 (Get it? 19 in ’19) but then we kept [...]
There’s a lot of layers to Dan Dinsmore. When he’s not creating a glorious maelstrom of unique beats with The Clay People he can be found running his web design and development/PR/Marketing firm Overit or co-managing one of our favorite labels, Magnetic Eye Records, alongside founder Mike Vitali. Yet he [...]
It’s here! The moment you’ve all be waiting for! And instead of splitting it in half this year I decided to bombard you with one huge pile of word vomit featuring everything that got our goat in 2018. Enjoy! Because we definitely did (Links to reviews highlighted where applicable): But [...]
“We like the idea of getting involved in a lot of things that are creatively interesting.”